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The courage to be disliked - with Chief Reporter Alev Doğan

This episode of The Wingwomen Show is a must-watch for you if you wonder about things like:

  • How do I find a workplace that is right for me?

  • Shouldn't we be doing things differently in our team or organisation?

  • Am I too different? Where do I get permission to change things?

  • What if other people won't like what I do or say?

  • What if I am not doing things perfectly enough?

and if you

  • find it hard to talk about yourself, your strengths and qualities (e.g. answering the question "tell me about yourself" or giving your personal "elevator pitch" in a few sentences)

  • aren't happy in your current job

  • are a people pleaser and worry you might annoy others

  • want to start taking your life into your own hands!

We packed this Realtalk with loads of courage and practical tips to help you with all that!

Your #PowerHour with Chief Reporter Alev Doğan and CEO Valerie Mocker #Realtalk #TopTips #HowSheDoesIt

Being different - thinking differently, working differently, living differently to "how everyone else does it" - can be really hard. If you try to fit in, you notice yourself holding back or struggle to be fully yourself at work - you are not alone! In this episode I am speaking to Alev Doğan, who shares her courage and journey with us. At the start of her career she was told that her style of journalism was wrong. She stayed true to herself. And today is hosting a very successful political podcast that reaches up to 100,000 listeners each day.

To find out more about Alev Doğan and her daily podcast Der Achte Tag here. Alev is a Turkish-German journalist and currently Chief Reporter at the media company Media Pioneer based in Berlin. But she takes every opportunity she can get to travel to Istanbul. And if you ever struggle to remember a magic spell from the Harry Potter world - Alev is the person to ask. She knows them all!

Join our #RiseAcademy to rise up yourself!

What do you want to change? In your life? Your organisation? The world?

We are here to help you get to the next level! In our Rise Academy, I teach what it really takes to rise up after rising myself to the top in my 20s. Working hard is not enough! You need to learn the rules of the game. After going through this 6-week programme, our alumni finally get the confidence, payrises, promotions, new jobs, opportunities and the impact they wanted for years. Find out more about the Rise Academy here and join the waitlist to get into the next round. It's time for you to become unstoppable!

Sending you loads of courage and Wingwomen energy, Valerie

CEO, Wingwomen

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